Vejdovskyella comata (Vejdovsky)


More than 3 and up to 9 dorsal hair chaetae are present and they are thick stiff and serrated. The dorsal needle chaetae number 1 to 8 and these are simple pointed and hair-like. The ventral chaetae decrease in length from segments 2 to 4 with none present on segment 5. The ventral chaetae number 2 or 3 from segment 6 onward. The ventral chaetae in segments 6,7 and 8 may be enlarged with replicated upper teeth. The dorsal chaetae begin in segment 6, but this may look like 5. Eyes may be present. The body wall has scattered papillae or glands that adhere foreign matter.


It is closest to Vejdovskyella intermdeia. The length is 1.3 to 8 mm. It is a non-swimming species


Widespread over much of the world.

26 MAY 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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