Tasserkidrilus kessleri (Hrabe)


The dorsal bundles with hair and pectinate chaetae. Only mature worms can be identified. There are no modified genital chaetae. The dorsal bundles have 3-4 hairs and 3-4 pectinate chaetae anteriorly and 1 of each posteriorly. The anterior ventral bifid chaetae number 3-5 and have an slightly elongate upper tooth. The penis sheath has a flared base, elongate apex and lateral openings.


Formerly in Tubifex and sometimes treated as subspecies or species americanus (Brinkhurst & Cook) in North America. A small tubificid (8 - 22 mm) that is uncommon. It favors cold, deep, oligotrophic areas.


A holarctic species that is widespread in Canada and the northern states.

13 APR 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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