Rhyacodrilus montana (Brinkhurst)


The dorsal bundles with hair and pectinate chaetae. Coelomocytes are present in the species of this genus and Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum, which lacks dorsal hairs. The coelomocytes are very large in this species. The anterior dorsal and ventral chaetae have elongate upper teeth. The anterior hairs are serrate and number 4 to 6 per bundle with those in segment 2 frequently longer than the rest. The body becomes square in cross section toward the end. The penial chaetae have the heads close together.


A small tubificid (15 - 30 mm). It is an uncommon species of cold or deep, oligotrophic sites.


A nearctic species in the great lakes and widespread in Canada.

13 APR 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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