Rhyacodrilus coccineus (Vejdovsky)


The dorsal bundles with hair and pectinate chaetae. Coelomocytes are present in the species of this genus and Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum, which lacks dorsal hairs. The anterior dorsal bundles have 3-5 hairs and up to 6 pectinate chaetae, The hairs are missing behind the genital segments. The anterior ventral chaetae number 3-5 and have the upper tooth a little longer and thinner than the lower tooth. It lacks the modified chaetae of otherwise similar Aulodrilus species. Mature specimens have 3-5 knobbed penial chaetae with the ends close together.


A small to medium sized tubificid (10 -35 mm). It is an uncommon and poorly known species.


A world-wide species that is widespread in northern and upland areas of North America.

13 APR 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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