Ophidonais serpentina (Muller)


Dorsal hair chaetae are absent. Dorsal needle chaetae may be also be completely absent as in the very different Chaetogaster, but more often there are unique single, straight, simple pointed, rod-like chaetae present from segment 6. The body wall has scattered papillae, which can hold foreign matter. The ventral chaetae number 2 to 6, with those on segment 2 elongate. There are 3 or 4 anterior dark bands like Uncinais uncinata, which has 2 to 4 sigmoid, bifid dorsal chaetae per bundle. Eyes and coelomocytes are present.


A fairly big naid ranging from 6 to 36 mm in length.


It is widespread over much of the world.

26 MAY 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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