Eclipidrilus (Premnodrilus) daneus Cook


The prostomium terminates in a long proboscis and the chaetae are simple pointed like Rhynchelmis rostrata and Rhynchelmis elrodi, but the atria have layers of spiral muscles and the spermathecae are in segment 9. The prostomium is a truncate cone with the length about the same as the base width.


A medium sized lumbriculid (up to about 40 mm and 1.4 mm wide).


It occurs in the southeast US, but it is also reported in Montana. The Montana record has already been questioned and needs verification. So far all Montana lumbriculids with a long proboscis belong to Rhynchelmis.

06 MAY 1996, updated on 29 DEC 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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