Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier 1790)

Recorded Montana Distribution

Chrysobothris femorata distribution in MontanaDistribution:
Biology and Hosts:larvae - Boxelder, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Downy Serviceberry, American Hornbeam, Japanese Hornbeam, Pecan, American Chestnut, Northern Hackberry, Eastern Redbud, hawthorn, Common Quince, Common Persimmon, Green Ash, Butternut, Sweetgum, apple, American Sycamore, Quaking Aspen, Common Apricot, Garden Plum, Peach, Coast Live Oak, California Black Oak, Swamp Laurel Oak, Interior Live Oak, Valley Oak, Arroyo Willow, American Mountain-ash, American Basswood, American Elm, Chinese Elm
Collecting Notes:
Flight Period:
Size: 7-16mm

Distribution and biological notes from Paiero et al. 2012. Jewel Beetles of N.E. North America.

Dorsal View

Chrysobothris femorata habitus dorsal

Genitalia View

Chrysobothris femorata genitalia