Chrysobothris azurea LeConte 1857

Recorded Montana Distribution

Chrysobothris azurea distribution in MontanaDistribution:
Biology and Hosts: larvae - maple, Speckled Alder, Downy Serviceberry, Gray Birch, Pecan, Climbing Bittersweet, Eastern Redbud, Green Hawthorn, Common Persimmon, Black Walnut, pine, Chokeberry, Scarlet Oak, Swamp White Oak, Smooth Sumac, grape, Chinese Wisteria; adults - Sugar Maple, Norway Maple, Mockernut Hickory, Flowering Dogwood, Gray Dogwood, hawthorn, White Ash, Green Ash, Honeylocust, Golden Rain-tree, Eastern White Pine, Quaking Aspen, Eastern Black Oak, Pin Oak, Eastern Poison-oak
Collecting Notes:
Flight Period:
Size: 5-9mm

Distribution and biological notes from Paiero et al. 2012. Jewel Beetles of N.E. North America.

Dorsal View

Chrysobothris azurea habitus dorsal