Ilyodrilus templetoni (Southern)


The dorsal bundles with hair and pectinate chaetae (pectinations sometimes missing). Only mature worms can be identified. The dorsal bundles have 3-4 pectinate or bifid chaetae and 1-4 hairs. The ventral chaetae on 2 have an elongate, thin upper tooth. There are no modified genital chaetae, the penis sheath is distinct, conical, and uniformly tapered, sometimes with long distal end. It is most similar to Tubifex tubifex, except for the more distinct,conical penis sheath, and for the thin elongate upper tooth on the ventral chaetae of segment 2. It is often much smaller.


A fairly small tubificid (10 - 30 mm) that is very common species in lakes and rivers. Often sympatric with Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri in enriched habitats.


A holarctic species that is widespread in North America.

13 APR 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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