Chaetogaster diastrophus (Gruithuisen)


All dorsal chaetae are normally absent only in this genus and sometimes in the very different Ophidonais serpentina. The shape of Chaetogaster is distinctive with large mouth and pharynx and reduced prostomium. Dorsal chaetae are rarely present from segment 6 in this species. This form was named Pseudochaetogaster longmeri Lafont. This species lacks the reflexed chaetae teeth of Chaetogaster limnaei and it has a better developed prostomium than other Chaetogaster species. The mouth is thus subterminal. There are no eyes or coelomocytes.


The length is 1 to 5 mm. A non-swimming, carnivorous worm.


A widespread species over much of the world.

26 MAY 1996 D.L. Gustafson
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